Industrialization. Process Optimization. Goal Orientation.



成功案例: 我们在南通的工厂 - The Great Place To Work®认证

我们在中国南通的工厂获得了 "The Great Place To Work® "认证,这是一个里程碑,反映了我们团队的辛勤工作和奉献精神! …


"今天,我们庆祝世界各地妇女的力量、决心和韧性"。- 米歇尔-奥巴马 国际妇女节快乐


自2012年以来,我们在盖尼特拉的同事们一直在推动汽车行业的进步,从而塑造了今天和明天的移动性。我们74%的摩洛哥员工认为这是一个Great Place To Work®! 这一荣誉是对凯尼特拉工厂团队每一位成员的奉献精神和辛勤工作的最好证明。最佳工作场所…

同舟共济: 我们为摩洛哥开展捐款活动



我们很高兴也很荣幸地宣布,我们位于墨西哥圣米格尔的工厂是我们集团中第一家获得最佳工作场所®(Great Place to Work®)认证的公司。 …


赫尔思曼汽车技术正满怀信心地从多方面着手,力争到 2050 年实现二氧化碳净零排放。

Angelo Holzknecht先生成为赫尔思曼汽车技术集团新任首席执行官(CEO)

根据最新的董事会决议,Angelo Holzknecht先生将担任首席执行官一职。我们很高兴,作为一家国际化的汽车供应商,能够在自己的团队中队伍任命这一决策者职位。


2023年2月20日,Adrian Low先生正式履新赫思曼汽车技术(南通)有限公司,担任中国公司总经理。即日起,他将全面负责赫思曼汽车技术集团在亚太市场的业务和运营。

4 Questions to Wolfgang Holzer, Global Area Manager VW Group

What makes working at Hirschmann Automotive special?

5 Questions to Klaus Häfele, Mechanical & Plastics Engineering Director

What makes working at Hirschmann Automotive special?

5 Questions to Sven Capelli, Account Manager E-JOYN

What makes working at Hirschmann Automotive special?

Angelo Holzknecht担任Hirschmann Automotive的新任首席销售官(CSO)

Pascal Hetzenauer因个人原因决定辞去职务。赫尔思曼汽车技术从自己的团队中任命了他的继任者——Angelo Holzknecht。


The traditional development cycles in the automotive industry are being redesigned, which means that Hirschmann Automotive has to make the production plants fit for industrialization.

The term "industrialization" has become an integral part of the vocabulary. But what exactly is it about? Industrialization is the specification, procurement, and integration of machines and production equipment required for series or pre-series production of an article.

Currently an independent industrialization team is being set up in Vsetín, Czech Republic. The advantage of having such a team in the production plant is that this gives the process development of the Divisions a direct contact person in the plant who takes into account the plant interests as well as the project-specific needs.

As a training basis, responsibility was taken on in Vsetín to supervise the industrialization of individual projects on the process development side. Some advantages have already been extracted from the first projects. In the future, the team will be able to provide plant-specific input in the Request for Quotation Process (RQP) and take over task packages as well as responsibilities in the Variant Management Process (VMP) and Product Development Process (PEP).

In order to actively support the process developers in the headquarter in Rankweil, work packages or even full-scale projects that are industrialized in the respective production plant are to be taken on in the future and accompanied in series production. The aim is to further develop and train the industrialization team.

Preparing the company for the future while remaining competitive – that is our mission.
